Become a member

We kindly ask you to pay the annual subscription of ISKO-France 2024.

• Payment by HelloAsso

• Payment by check

Checks should be made payable to ISKO-France together with the membership form and sent to:

Antoine Henry – Trésorier ISKO France

6 rue du vieux cours


Malzéville – France

The membership fee for the year 2024:

– Teacher-researcher, researcher, professional: 65 €. This fee will entitle you to online access to the journal.
– Teacher-researcher, researcher, professional working in a developing country, 30 €.
– Students and retirees, 15 €.
– Institutional contribution, € 130.

We are counting on you to support the ISKO-France Association founded in 1996. This organization is the only scholarly society in France to promote research in information sciences and in the organization of knowledge on the international level. We regularly organize bi-annual conferences, next conference will be in 2025 at Amiens.

We kindly ask you to pay the annual subscription of ISKO-France 2024.