Articles of Association

I – Form, purpose and seat

Article 1: Form

Is made between members who adhere to these statutes, an association called ISKO – France, governed by the law of 1st July 1901 and the texts having supplemented or amended, currently in force, as well as by the present statutes. Its duration is unlimited.

ISKO – France is a national chapters ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization). Relations between France and ISKO International ISKO (International Society of Knowledge Organization) are defined by the following: International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) – Charter preamble and In Int. Classifications. 16 (1989) No.3 – ISKO News.

Any member of ISKO – France is in fact a member of ISKO International.

Article 2: Purpose

The association is a learned society to promote research and exchanges in the field of knowledge organization, in the information sciences and all disciplines, in particular by the following means:

  • Development of relations and connections within the community of researchers and practitioners in the fields and scientific disciplines contributing to the development of knowledge organization;
  • Organization of study days, conferences and seminars, especially the French Chapter of scientific event which is held every two years, alternating with the International Congress ISKO;
  • Any other activities consistent with the purposes of the association.

Article 3: Financing

The annual income of the association shall consist of: a) membership fees and donations b) income or assets available to it c) grants any legal or natural person d) resources from all activities in accordance with the purpose of the association. Expenditures are authorized by the President or by delegation, by the Treasurer.

Article 4: Seat

It has its seat at 21 Rue Catherine Kuttinger, 54180 HOUDEMONT, FRANCE.
It may be extended or transferred to any place, to any other address in France, decision of the Board of Directors or, if applicable, of the Bureau.


II – Composition

Article 5: Members

The association is composed of active members update their membership and honorary members.

Article 6: Active Members and Benefactors

Are active members are individuals who have paid the annual due of ISKO – France, which covers that of ISKO International. Benefactors are individuals who have paid an amount equal to or greater than twice the annual due of active member.

Article 7: Honorary Members

Can be honorary members, upon proposal of the Board, approved by the general meeting, all those who have made or make the association of reported services.

President of ISKO-International is an honorary member of law.

Article 8: Loss of membership

Membership is lost:

  • Either by resignation, the President sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt,
  • Either by death,
  • For non-payment of the annual fee on the day of holding the Annual General Meeting.
  • Either by expulsion by the Board for reasons of breach of duties and obligations to the association contracted acceding, or for any act contrary to the interests of the association or harmful to his reputation. The exclusion is imposed after finding breaches by the Chairman of the Board, the radiation will be effective thirty days after receipt of the letter informing the applicant of the decision. During this period, the applicant challenged the opportunity to be heard by the Board of Directors to present observations or personal arguments on the facts that led to his removal.


III – Administration and operation

Article 9: Organization general ISKO – France

ISKO – France is structured around the General Assembly of the association of two bodies: a Board of Directors and a Board. The following items and possible rules specify roles.

Article 10: The General Assembly

1 / Annual General Meeting

Composition: The Ordinary General Assembly shall consist of active members. No one can be represented by power given to another member of the association, a maximum of three powers may be given to an active member. The Ordinary General Assembly was informed for each of the members present of the potential power that it holds.

Periodicity and convocation: It meets once a year at the invitation of the office. Notices are sent at least one month in advance and mention the agenda. This is set by the Board and includes the proposals emanating from the bodies of the association and those that are submitted by members, at least two months before the date of the Meeting.

Quorum and Voting: The General Assembly may validly deliberate only if two / thirds of the active members are present or represented. If this quorum is not reached, a new meeting may be decided immediately, with deliberative vote of a simple majority, exclusively on items on the agenda of the meeting. Voting is by secret ballot. The Assembly shall take its decisions by a simple majority vote of the members present or represented. In case of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.

Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting: The President, assisted by officers, presides over the Assembly and has the moral report of the association. The Treasurer presented the financial report. Moral report and the financial report are subject to the approval of the Assembly. The first item on the agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly is the adoption of the agenda is voted in early trading. Are collected and submitted to a vote at the time the proposed amendments to the agenda originally proposed. The Annual General Meeting elects, if necessary, a new Board of Directors will take office at the next academic year. An attendance sheet is prepared and attached to the minutes of the Annual General Meeting.

2 / Extraordinary General Meeting

Subject: The Extraordinary General Meeting is intended to approve essential to the life of the association decisions. It is convened by the office, or on the initiative of half of the members of the Board or at the request of one quarter of active members within a maximum period of two months following the request.

Composition: The Extraordinary General Meeting shall consist of active members. No one can be represented by power given to another member of the association, a single authorization may be given to an active member. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be informed of the members present for each of the potential power that it holds.

Summons: Invitations to an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be sent at least one month in advance and mention the agenda. This is set by the Board and includes the proposals that are submitted by members.
Conduct of the Extraordinary General Meeting: The President, assisted by members of the Bureau chairs the Extraordinary General Meeting. An attendance sheet is prepared and attached to the minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Quorum and Voting: The Extraordinary General Assembly can only validly deliberate if two / thirds of the active members are present or represented. If this quorum is not reached, a new extraordinary general meeting may be decided forthwith, with a simple majority vote exclusively on the only items on the agenda of the meeting. Voting is by secret ballot. The Assembly shall take its decisions by a simple majority vote of the members present or represented. In case of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.

Article 11: The Administrative Council

1 / Administration of the Association

The Association is administered by an Administrative Council of active members, elected for two years by the General Assembly.

Any retiring member is eligible for reappointment, but no one can serve more than two consecutive terms.

The Administrative Council normally consists of 8 members, but the Council may co-opt one or two additional members to assume specific responsibilities until the next statutory elections.

2 / Vacant elective office

In case of vacancy in an elected position, the Council shall temporarily co-opt to replace the administrator. There shall be a permanent replacement at the next general meeting. At fourth vacancy recorded since the last general meeting, an extraordinary general meeting will be convened to elect a new Administrative Council.

3 / Powers of Board

The Administrative Council sets the policy of the association.
In particular, it defines the scientific policy of the association and in particular the theme organized by ISKO – France biannual conference. The Administrative Council is chaired by the President of the association. He represents the association as by law. The President may, with the agreement of the Administrative Council, delegate some of its powers to one or more members of the Administrative Council.

4 / Meetings

The Administrative Council meets at least once a year and whenever convened by its President or at the request of a quarter of its members. He shall record sessions. The agenda is prepared by the President. Any member of the Administrative Council may propose to add an item to the agenda. Any member of the Council without being excused will not attend three consecutive meetings may be deemed to have resigned.

Council decisions are taken by a simple majority vote in the event of a tie, the President has the casting vote. A record of the decisions of the Administrative Council is distributed to members in the month following the meeting.

5 / Rules

Internal rules may be established by the Administrative Council who will then get it approved by the Ordinary General Assembly.

Article 12: The Board of the Association

1 / Composition of the Board

The Board consists of four members of the Administrative Council: President, Vice- President, responsible for relations with International ISKO, general secretary and treasurer.

2 / Election of the Board members

The Administrative Council of the Association elects Board members.

3 / Responsibility of the Board

The Board is responsible for implementing the decisions of the Administrative Council, he takes the necessary decisions in the interval between meetings of the Administrative Council to whom he reports, and he assumed the responsibilities as may be delegated by the Administrative Council. Some activities can also be assigned to one or more delegates from among the members of the association.

Article 13: Accounting

It is held accounting by the Treasurer in accordance with the legislation in force for associations.

Article 14: The annual report and annual accounts

The annual report and the financial statements are made ​​available to all members. In addition, the accounts of the association can be accessed by each member of the Administrative Council.


IV – Amendments to the articles and dissolution

Article 15: Amendments

The statutes of this association may be amended upon the proposal of the Administrative Council.

These amendments must be ratified by an Extraordinary General Assembly.
The notice convening the Extraordinary General Meeting is accompanied by the text of the proposed amendments.

Article 16: Dissolution

The General Assembly may be called upon to decide on the dissolution of the association. If the quorum is not reached, the meeting is called again but at least one month apart, and can then deliberate whatever the number of members present.

In case of dissolution, the General Assembly shall appoint one or more commissioners to liquidate the assets of the association. She attributes the net assets to one or more similar entities.


V – Formalities

Article 17 – Formalities

President of the association, on behalf of the Board of Directors, is responsible for completing all the formalities of declaration and publication required by law. All powers to the bearer hereof for the purpose of performing these procedures.

Made many originals as concerned, plus an original and two for the association for legal deposit parties.