General presentation of ISKO-France

ISKO – France is a national chapters of ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization). Relations between France and ISKO International ISKO (International Society of Knowledge Organization) are defined by the following: International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) – Charter preamble and In Int. Classifications. 16 (1989) No.3 – ISKO News. Any member of ISKO – France is in fact a member of ISKO International.

The association is a learned society to promote research and exchanges in the field of knowledge organization, in the information sciences and all disciplines, in particular by the following means:

  • Development of relations and connections within the community of researchers and practitioners in the fields and scientific disciplines contributing to the development of knowledge organization;
  • Organization of study days, conferences and seminars, especially the French Chapter of scientific event which is held every two years, alternating with the International Congress ISKO;
  • And any other activities consistent with the purposes of the association.

14th ISKO-France International Conference
“Knowledge Organization and the Challenges of Diversity”

Jointly organized by the French Chapter of ISKO and the

Center for Research on Mediations (CREM)

Conference Venue: University of Lorraine, Metz

October 13-14, 2025

Every classification act reveals a particular worldview and is embedded within a specific social and political context. Far from being a mere technical exercise, the organization of knowledge entails ethical, political, and social stakes, requiring a thorough examination of the models, tools, and systems that control the processes by which knowledge is generated, categorized, disseminated, and applied in diverse environments. The 14th ISKO France International Conference will explore knowledge organization through the lens of “diversity” and “inclusion”.

Guest speakers :

  • Olivier Le Deuff, MICA, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France
  • José Augusto Guimarães, São Paulo State University, Brazil

More informations here: Call for papers ISKO France 2025